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Creative media solutions for business from writing and design to video and voice.

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CanCanary Creative is a media services company that helps your business amplify its messaging. Utilizing extensive marketing experience and a range of talents, we write, design and create marketing with your company's voice in mind. For a custom proposal, contact us today.

About Me
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CanCanary provides creative marketing content, on demand. Whether you need to build a voice for your business or are looking to elevate your brand, we have the resources to showcase your messaging. From the written word to visual communication, let us help you shine.


Beyond the creative realm, CanCanary produces quality content for businesses ranging from video and voice production to event management. We can handle anything from simple meeting presentations to large, in-person events. We also collaborate with your team to provide resources and fill gaps where needed.

  • Writing & Editing

  • Marketing

  • Design

  • Custom Voice Overs

  • Video Creation

  • Event Management


"Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one. Don't implement promises, but keep them."

CS Lewis

Let's Talk
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