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What's in a Name?

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

Naming a company isn't easy. If you're the creative type like me, then your challenge is either too many ideas, complete idea blockage or, worst of all, ideas that are so insane only you think they're any good. When I looked at starting this new venture, the name was where I began. I wanted something memorable in a good way. I wanted a name that was concise but not simple. And, I wanted something that meant something to me personally but conveyed professionalism.

Hatching CanCanary Creative

Anyone who knows me personally knows my aversion to birds. Birds and I are not friends, we never have been. They attack me; I flee in terror from them. There's no war. The birds won and I cower in defeat. And yet, there is the very prominent "Canary" in my business' name.

Even with my aversion to birds, there's just something about the canary that I love. Their beautiful yellow coloring and small cheerful demeanor makes me smile, even as I run away from them in fear. Somehow even their chirp is happy. In the past, the canary had been used by miners to both cheer the dark workplace in which they found themselves and also as a somber early warning of danger. If the canary stopped singing then the miners knew something was wrong and they needed to boogie out of there.

I relate to that cheerful canary who lights up dark places with a voice that is meant to inform and cheer. And, yes, in my analogy the canary dies in service but, what strikes me is that its service helps so many others. So, while I certainly hope this business doesn't kill me, I do want to serve as a voice for business, help inform others and share my talents in ways that are useful.

Now for the "Can"... My mother Connie has been my greatest cheerleader, biggest advocate and best teacher in life and business. If I am half as good at this whole creative career as she was, I'd consider myself a success. So I wanted to honor her by somehow including her in my name. The first "C" in CanCanary stands for Connie; add "an" and the company becomes C an Canary – Connie and me. As an added bonus, my business' name produced a cheesy adage I repeat to myself when I'm not quite sure of my direction ...

"Can Canary? Yes. She Can."

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